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To inquire about advertising your business, product, website, or content on, please Contact Us.

Currently We Serve Over

Last updated on February 10, 2023

  • 580,000+ Pageviews per Month
  • Google PageRank: 4/10
  • PR Quality: Very Strong
  • 3.64+ Million Impressions per Month
  • Backlinks: 605,838+
  • Indexed URLs: 23,500+

If you have your own Business, it’s important to promote your brand in order to attract new Customers. We offer a huge range of advertising options.

Advertising Place/Opportunities:

Header Banner Ads (All Page)

Horizontal Banner ads in the Header section. Banner size is 728x90px.

Cost: $160/month

Banner ads in the Sidebar section. Banner size is 300x300px or 350x350px.

Cost: $120/month

Vertical Banner ads in the Sidebar section. Banner size is 300x600px or 350x600px.

Cost: $160/month

Article Banner Ads (All Page)

Banner ads in the All Posts Page. Banner size is 300x300px or 550x200px or 468x60px.

Cost: $80/month

Promotional Posts / Guest Posts

You can write a promotional post related to Themes, Scripts/Software, Plugins, WordPress, SEO and Marketing, Web Design, Web Development, Graphics, Mobile App and Blogging and publish it on website. As a reward we will allow you to use author box to promote your business, products and services. We don’t allow copyright content/article.

You can add maximum four’s links/button in a post.

We don’t allow adult related posts, adult banners and adult page links.

Maximum words limit: 1500

Cost: $60/per post – lifetime

Link Building

We allow you to make dofollow backlink building. If you want, you can add your link to our previously created article / post.

Cost: $20/per link – lifetime

*We don’t allow advertising network website for ads code. You can use link tracker or URL shortener for track your links.

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