AddonsAddonsCodecanyonEducationalPHP ScriptsSchool Management

Ramom School QR Code Attendence v2.0 – Addon

Ramom School QR Code Attendence v2.0 – Addon Free Download. Ramom School QR Code Attendance Addon Adds QR Code Attendance Module in Ramom Multi Branch School Management System. Using this Addon Students and Employees Attendance can be taken through Smartphone Android and iOS Camera or Webcam. Also you can Track Employees In Time and Out Time.

Main Features

  • QR Code Attendance
  • Track Employees In Time and Out Time
  • Tracking Attendance
  • Multi Branch Management
  • Android and iOS
  • Automatically Detect Late / Half Day
  • Front and Rear Camera
  • and more

Download Ramom School QR Code Attendance Addon

Live Demo: View Demo



Free download Ramom School QR Code Attendence addon by RamomCoder on Codecanyon premium attendance management for Ramom School software download.

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